Dr. Luis Lombardi-Testimonial Lynne A.

“ Last January, I took a bad fall on the ice resulting in constant sciatica. An MRI revealed two herniated discs. I had two spinal injections, physical therapy, chiropractic care-none of which helped. I couldn’t sit, stand or sleep without extreme pain. Two different surgeons from well-known hospitals told me I had no choice but traditional surgery which will also include fusion…. I traveled from Illinois to California and had my procedure with Dr. Luis Lombardi….the results were nothing short of miraculous. My husband was skeptic before the surgery and now he is a believer. He had to practically carry me into the clinic before the procedure because I could barely walk. When I awoke afterwards, I had no pain. It was the best feeling in the world. That evening, we went out to dinner and afterwards I had my first night of sleep with no pain in 8 months. It is now over 2 years later and I am walking several miles every morning and able to care for my family again. Every time I think about all of this, I consider myself the most fortunate person to have found you. “

Lynne A.